Root Canal Treatment St. Albert

Root Canal Treatment St. Albert

What is Root Canal Therapy and How is it Performed

In order to salvage teeth that are badly decaying, diseased, or damaged, endodontic treatment, sometimes referred to as root canal therapy, is performed. It allows the affected tooth to be maintained for many more years, rather than extracting it. The dentist will access the pulp chamber in the tooth's crown and expose the root canals in the tooth's roots during the treatment. The diseased nerve is cut out, and the canals are smoothed out with the use of specialised files to make sure no pulp tissue or infection is left behind.

Understanding the Anatomy of Root Canals and Post-Treatment Care

After that, the root canals are sealed off with a special material to help prevent further infection. The pulp chamber, the main canal, and more complex anatomical branches that may join the root canals to one another or to the root's surface make up the naturally occurring space in a tooth that includes the root canals. The smaller branches can be found anywhere along the length of the root, although they are most usually found close to the root end (apex).

Root canal treatment can be done in 1 or 2 appointments. After root canal treatment, your tooth may be tender for the first few days. Severe pain or swelling are not common. If this happens, call your dentist or endodontist. You can still get a cavity or gum disease after a root canal treatment. Root canal treatment does not protect your tooth from other types of damage. However with proper care and regular dental visits, the tooth could last as long as your other teeth. Most of the time, a tooth that has had a root canal treatment can be saved.

When do you need Root Canal Treatment?

There are a number of signs that suggest root canal therapy may be necessary:

  • Dental abscess
  • Dying tooth
  • Severe fracture in tooth
  • Deep cavities
  • Severe tooth sensitivity or pain

Pain Management during Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a procedure used to treat severely decayed, infected, or broken teeth by removing the infected nerve and filling the canals with a special material to prevent further infection. The tooth may become brittle after the procedure, so a crown is often recommended to protect it from fracture.

Root Canal Therapy: Challenges and Considerations for Dentists and Patients

The procedure can be challenging for dentists due to the complexity of root canals in each individual and may require referral to an endodontist. It can be done in 1-2 appointments and may cause mild tenderness for a few days. Maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental visits are important to prevent further issues.

Family Dental in St. Albert is experienced in root canal procedures. We encourage you to book a consultation with our experienced dentists and discuss your options.

Experienced dentist in St. Albert for Root Canal Treatment, call (780) 458-1991 or click here to request an appointment.
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