Dental Bonding St. Albert

Dental Bonding St. Albert

Composite bonding, also known as bonding, is a cosmetic dental procedure that can work wonders for a smile that has developed some aesthetic damage.

Dental bonding procedure

The procedure involves using tooth-colored composite resin that is matched to the shade, translucency, and texture of your teeth. This resin is then applied to the tooth, much like the filling procedure, and bonded to the tooth structure using an adhesive agent. The resin is then cured with a curing light, shaped, contoured, and polished to give a natural and cosmetic appearance.M

Dental Bonding can be a quick fix for minor teeth problems

Composite bonding is an excellent option for small defects such as spots, chips, or gaps between teeth, and can be completed during a single dental visit at a low cost.

Dental bonding can fix minor teeth problems including:

  • Worn out teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Teeth with gaps

Bonding is a cost-effective cosmetic dental procedure that can typically be done in one visit. However, if a tooth has significant decay, functional issues, or severe fractures, a crown or filling may be necessary for adequate structural support.

Don't let aesthetic damage to your smile hold you back any longer. If you are looking for a dentist in St. Albert for composite bonding, please call us at (780) 458-1991 and book an appointment with our dentists.

Friendly dentists in St. Albert for Dental Bonding, call (780) 458-1991 or click here to request an appointment.
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